Understanding How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help After a Car Accident, And Why You Should Get One Today

There are many different ways that a person could suffer serious personal injuries in an accident. Unfortunately, one of the most common ways to get hurt also involves one of the most common things that most people do on a daily basis – drive or ride in a motor vehicle. Indeed, figures from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicate that almost 43,000 are killed and another 2.3 million people are injured in traffic accidents each year in the United States. Although some of these injuries may be minor, many of these injuries may cause debilitating and permanent personal injuries that are life-changing. Not only are these injuries serious and often catastrophic, but there often comes with it significant lost wages, costly medical bills, and other considerable damages. This is particularly true when a loved one has been lost to a car accident. Considering the magnitude of this, it is important to realize how a personal injury attorney can help after a car accident.

Even where liability and your injuries or damages are clear, you can almost count on a defense lawyer or insurance adjuster trying to limit what compensation you may be entitled to under the law. Whether they try to blame you for the crash or argue that your injuries were preexisting, most defendants will inherently try to lower your recovery by attacking each way possible. Whereas when a motor vehicle accident involves the loss of a loved one, some victims may need to go to multiple courts and multiple judges to get letters testamentary to commence an action, and to also bring a claim. This can be a confusing process, especially given the emotional impact of losing a loved one. These are both complications where a personal injury attorney can help you and your family.

How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

There are many ways that a personal injury attorney can help after a car accident that causes you or a loved one serious bodily injuries or wrongful death. Although many people may believe that these reasons are strictly legal, remember – an attorney is also a counselor at law. This means that a car accident lawyer can also handle matters that are related to an accident, but not necessarily to the legal claim, such as structured settlements or helping with an estate. But of course, a car accident lawyer can help you with a lot of the components that make up a car accident claim, including many factors and issues that occur very quickly after a crash.

Some of the most important ways how a personal injury attorney can help after a car accident include the following:

File a Claim with the Insurance Company

Filing a claim after a car accident is not like a normal insurance claim. And although many of us have had a success story or two against an insurance adjuster or company when it comes to a dental bill or fender-bender claim, this is just not the same as a personal injury claim. Especially when it comes to a large trucking accident or when a municipality is involved.

That’s because everything that you tell the insurance adjuster will be recorded. They will also try to use what you have said against you – sometimes using tricks. Having a lawyer put in your claim can help ensure nothing is said that could harm your case.

Obtaining Evidence and Investigating Your Case

A personal injury attorney can help after a car accident by gathering your medical records, relevant police reports, and building a case by proving liability and supporting your damages. These are done as part of the case and are very important to support your claim.

Fighting Back Against a Defense Lawyer and Making Court Appearances

The most obvious reason how a personal injury attorney can help after a car accident is handling the legal matters with a case, which includes negotiating with a defense lawyer, fighting back against that lawyer’s legal arguments, and representing you in court. That includes in conferences, depositions, for motions, appeals, and at trial.

Obtaining a Fair Resolution and Looking for Alternative Ways to Resolve a Case

A personal injury lawyer can also help you resolve a case, sometimes even pre-action or before a lawsuit is commenced. However, an attorney can also help you by negotiating a fair resolution and coming up with other ways to resolve a case. That includes using an annuity or structured settlement to help you obtain more money over a longer period of time, or to help protect how your money comes in and is handled.

Handling Other Affairs Related to Your Case

Not just about your car accident, but a personal injury lawyer can also help you with estate issues, offer tax advice on settlements, and resolve medical liens, workers’ compensation liens, and other types of liens that may be related to your case. These are part of a full and complete representation, which is important to help victims and their families.

Hurt in a Wreck? Learn How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help After a Car Accident

If you or a loved one were seriously injured, or if a loved one was wrongfully killed, in any type of motor vehicle accident, look for a qualified and experienced personal injury attorney to help you. There are many ways how a personal injury attorney can help you after a car accident, and most of them are not always expected until you have a good lawyer. To learn more, keep reading more on Law TV Network in your state here or send us a message.