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ABA Council Notice & Comment: Tweaks to Various Standards and Rules

The revisions to the standards and rules were made to “clean up” some of the wording to bring them in line with previously revised standards and rules plus the revisions were made after a review of the U.S. Department of Education regulations and recent guidance to incorporate any relevant USDE regulation change, according to Council’s […]

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Critical Mass With Law.com's Amanda Bronstad: Class Action Alleges J&J's 'Fraudulent Maneuvers' Compromised Talc Plaintiffs, MDL Panel to Hear GM Privacy Lawsuits

This week: Plaintiffs’ firms opposing Johnson & Johnson’s latest bankruptcy plan filed a class action over alleged “fraudulent maneuvers.” The U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation hears big cases on May 30, including suits alleging GM sends driver data to insurance firms. Find out who filed the first class action in the wake of the […]

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Breyer Says Textualism Leads to 'Abhorrent' Outcomes, But Takes a Light Touch on Its Effects on Today's SCOTUS

The former U.S. Supreme Court justice’s book provides excellent analysis of the contrast between textualism/originalism, but was not as forceful as it could have been in highlighting examples where textualism and originalism would produce abhorrent results that could undermine the high court’s prestige.        

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